Create a local repository and connect with remote repository # 05

Create a git repository on the GitHub website → after that go to PC and follow the steps below …

Create a folder → open the folder → right-click the mouse → click on “Open in Terminal” or “Git Bash Here” → Type echo “ file created” >> → press enter… 

Type git init → type git add  → type git commit -m “ file has been created” → type git branch -M main → type git remote add origin → type git push -u origin main…

create some files like…





Check the unstaged or untracked file with the command like…

git status → press enter 

Track or staged the file, type the command like…

git add . or git add --all → press enter 

Commit the files, type the command like…

git commit -m “commit message” → press enter

git push

Create a connection between the local repository and the remote repository

We can create a connection between the local repository and remote repository in two ways. 

1. With https:

Connect local repository with a remote repository with https:

Login GitHub account and create a new repository → After creating a repository, open it → go to …or push an existing repository from the command line

Copy the code from the clipboard (click on the image-like icon on the right side) 

Now paste into Git Bash Terminal → Press enter → a GitHub window will open → give GitHub username and password → press enter

Now refresh the GitHub repository page → you will see that your local repository files will show here 

2. With SSH key:

Follow the link below...

Generating SSH key:

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Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account:

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Testing SSH connection:

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