Object & function:
In some cases, you can destructure the object in a function argument itself.
Consider the code below:
const profileUpdate = (profileData) => {const { name, age, nationality, location } = profileData;}
This effectively destructures the object sent into the function. This can also be done in place:
const profileUpdate = ({ name, age, nationality, location }) => {}
When profileData is passed to the above function, the values are destructured from the function parameter for use within the function.
More example:
const obj1 = {name: 'mozahedul',title: 'student',favoritePlace: 'Mecca',address: {city: 'Dhaka',District: 'Rangpur'}};function person({name,title,favoritePlace = 'London'}) {console.log(`My name is ${name}, title is ${title}, and favorite place is ${favoritePlace}`);}person(obj1);// Result: My name is Mozahedul, title is student, and favorite place is Mecca.
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