👉 Present Working Directory(PWD)
To find out the current working directory, you can use the command…
If we want to see the actual physical path, we can use the -P flag.
pwd -p
👉 Open a folder or directory
open .
👉 Show hidden files and folder
Ctrl + H
And to hide the file and folder again, just press again.
Ctrl + H
👉 List Files and Directories
To see the list of folders and files in the current directory, use the following command…
👉 Listing a Different Directory
To find out the files in another directory without leaving the current directory, use the following code…
ls /usr/local/
👉 Rename a file
mv <old file> <new file>
👉 Listing all files(-a)
To see both the “visible” and “hidden” files and directory, use the following code…
ls -a or ls -A
👉 Long-form listing(-l)
If we want to get more detailed information about the listing, then we can use the following code…
ls -l
👉 A long-form listing with human-readable sizes(-h)
If we want to get more detailed information about the listing with human-readable sizes, then we can use the following code…
ls -lh
👉 Long-form listing sorting by size(-s)
If we want to get more detailed information about the listing with human-readable sizes as well as sort of result by file size i.e; the large size files will show first , then we can use the following code…
ls -lhs
👉 Sorting by last modified time(-t)
If we want to sort out ls results by the last time files were modified...
ls -lt
👉 Reverse sort(-r)
Using the -r flag we are able to reverse the results of ls.
ls -lr
👉 Hard Links
If we want to create an identical copy from the existing file, then we can use the following code...
ln a.txt b.txt
N.B → a.txt is a source or existing file and b.txt is a created or target file.
Only work on the current file system.
👉 See the Content of a File
To the content of a file, use the following code…
cat a.txt
👉 Forcing a Link
If the source file already exists, then an error will show.
To fix the error, use the -f flag to force the link...
ln -f a.txt b.txt
👉 A symbolic link (-s)
Hard link (ln) does not work for the directory, for this we can use the -s flag which works for file as well as for the directory...
ln -s a.txt b.txt
👉 Change Directories(cd)
Change or navigate into another directory, use the command…
Here, the ~ will count from the root directory.
cd ~/Documents
👉 Navigating up (..)
Move up to the parent directory...
cd ..
👉 Navigating up (..)
Move up or change the directory from one child to another child directory in the same parent directory...
cd ../Documents
👉 Navigating to the home directory
Navigate back to the home directory, you can call cd without any arguments.
👉 Creating Directories (mkdir)
To create a directory we can use the mkdir command followed by the name of the directory we wish to create.
mkdir foo
👉 Create Intermediate Directories(-p)
The mkdir command will allow us to create nested directories using the -p flag.
mkdir -p a/b/c Notebook → a, b, and c are directories.
👉 Change or move to a directory or directories and create a file or files
cd test/read/mouse && touch index.html style.css script.js
👉 Create a file
The touch command will allow us to create a file or files.
touch test.txt or touch index.html style.css
👉 Verbose output (-v)
Adding the -v flag will print the results of mkdir to the console.
mkdir -v a
👉 Copying Single File (cp)
By using the cp command we can copy single and directory.
cp a.txt b.txt
N.B → Here a.txt is the source file and b.txt is the target file.
👉 Copying Multiple Files (cp)
By using the cp command we can copy multiple files and directories but the last argument must be a directory.
cp a.txt b.txt foo
N.B → Here foo is a directory.
👉 Copying Directories (-R)
If we want to copy a directory to another directory, we can use -R flag with cp.
cp -Rv foo bar
👉 Force Overwriting a file
If we want to copy a file from a user to a different user, then we have to use the command...
cp -f a.txt b.txt foo
👉 Confirm overwriting a file(-i)
If we want to show a confirmed message which files will be overwritten, then we use -i flag with cp.
cp -i a.txt b.txt foo
N.B → then a message will show like overwrite b.txt? (y/n [n])
Now you have to type y and press enter.
👉 Remove or Delete an empty Folder or Directory
rmdir directory name
👉 Remove or Delete nested Folders or Directories
rmdir -p test/html/rest
👉 Remove all files from a directory
rm media/*
👉 Remove or Delete a Folder or Directory with sub directories
rm -r directory name
👉 If you get ‘permission denied’ or any error then use the following code to remove or delete
sudo rm -r directory name
👉 Remove or Delete entire or full Folders or Directories(with force)
rm -rf directory name
// N.B → don’t always use this code.
👉 Create a directory and move to this directory
mkdir directory_name && $_ → press enter
👉 Remove or Delete a File
To remove a file, use the following code …
rm a.txt
rm -v a.txt
N.B → rm will work the same as cp.
👉 Moving Files (-mv)
The process for moving files is almost identical to that of copying files. In reality, the mv command is really just a combination of cp and rm.
mv -v a.txt b.txt
mv [filename] [dest-dir]
mv wonderwoman.txt batman.txt superhero/
mv fullnames.txt /home/himanshu/Downloads
👉 Input / Output (|, >)
đź’¨ Redirecting output(|):
We can redirect the output of one command to the input of another command. This is made possible by using the “pipe” operator, |.
In the following example, we “pipe” the output of the ls command to the input of the grep command to find all the files in my home directory that contain an underscore, _.
ls -a ~ | grep _
By using the pipe | operator we can chain together any number of commands. Here, the output or listing of grep command passes to the sed command and changes all of the underscores to dashes.
$ ls -a ~ | grep _ | sed "s/_/-/g"
đź’¨ Wildcards
cp * satire/
* These types of special characters are called wildcards.
The * selects all files in the working directory, so here we use cp to copy all files into the satire/ directory.
cp m*.txt scifi/
Here, m*.txt selects all files in the working directory starting with “m” and ending with “.txt”, and copies them to scifi/.
đź’¨ stdin, stdout, and stderr:
echo "Hello" > hello.txt
cat hello.txt
cat oceans.txt > continents.txt
đź’¨ >>:
cat glaciers.txt >> rivers.txt
>> takes the standard output of the command on the left and appends (adds) it to the file on the right.
đź’¨ <:
cat < lakes.txt
đź’¨ |:
cat volcanoes.txt | wc
cat volcanoes.txt | wc | cat > islands.txt
đź’¨ Sort:
cat lakes.txt | sort > sorted-lakes.txt
đź’¨ uniq:
uniq deserts.txt
đź’¨ sort deserts.txt | uniq
sort deserts.txt | uniq > uniq-deserts.txt
đź’¨ grep:
grep Mount mountains.txt
grep -i Mount mountains.txt
grep -R Arctic /home/ccuser/workspace/geography
grep -Rl Arctic /home/ccuser/workspace/geography
grep -R player .
đź’¨ sed:
sed 's/snow/rain/' forests.txt
$ sed 's/snow/rain/g' forests.txt
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