The hasOwnProperty() method will check if an object contains a direct property and will return true or false if it exists or not. Here is the basic syntax:
let person = {
name: "Mozahedul",
title: "student",
profession: "programmer"
}; console.log(person.hasOwnProperty("name"); // Return: true
Use the in operator:
Unlike the hasOwnProperty() method, the in operator will return true for both direct and inherited properties that exist in the object. Here is the basic syntax:
property in object
let person = {
name: "Mozahedul",
title: "student",
profession: "programmer"
}; console.log("name" in person); // Return: true
Check the property in an Object using undefined:
We can check if a property exists in the object by checking if property !== undefined.
In this example, it would return true because the name property does exist in the developer object.
In this example, it would return true because the name property does exist in the developer object. !== undefined
let person = {
name: "Mozahedul",
title: "student",
profession: "programmer"
}; console.log( !== undefined); // Return: true
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