To create a file, to write to a file, or to read a file the method is used.
Syntax:, options, callback);
var fs = require("fs");"mynewfile2.txt", "w", function (err, file) {
if (err) throw err;
r | To open a file to read and throw an exception if the file doesn’t exist. |
r+ | Open file to read and write. Throw an exception if the file doesn’t exist. |
rs+ | Open file in synchronous mode to read and write. |
w | Open file for writing. File is created if it doesn’t exist. |
wx | It is the same as ‘w’ but fails if the path exists. |
w+ | Open file to read and write. File is created if it doesn’t exist. |
wx+ | It is the same as ‘w+’ but fails if the path exists. |
a | Open file to append. File is created if it doesn’t exist. |
ax | It is the same as ‘a’ but fails if the path exists. |
a+ | Open file for reading and appending. File is created if it doesn’t exist. |
ax+ | It is the same as ‘a+’ but fails if the path exists. |
fs.openSync(path, options);
// Including fs module
var fs = require("fs");
// Defining filename
var filename = "./myfile";
// Calling openSync method
// with its parameters
var res = fs.openSync(filename, "r");
// Prints output
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